Halloween Party

Film review by Thomas M. Sipos




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Halloween Party (2012, dir: Linda Palmer; cast: Elle Newlands, Frank Gangarossa, Chris Pentzell, Christine Blackburn, David Banks, Andrea Leithe, Danny Pardo)





There is NO STORY. Just a bunch of amateur actors hanging out, talking at a Halloween party.

There's the hint of potential conflict. A homeless man (Frank Gangarossa) has crashed the party. But nothing comes of this. At one point, Cole (Danny Pardo) accuses the homeless man of being homeless and a thief. But the other party goers ignore this confrontation, so it goes nowhere.

Later, Cole seems to throw out the homeless guy. But then a few minutes later, we see that he didn't. The homeless guy is still at the party.

Everyone has a good time, and then goes home. The End.

What is this movie trying to be? From the title, I expected a horror film, but it's not.

For a while it seemed like the film was trying to be a romcom. One woman kept complaining that she can't find a good guy. But it's not a romcom.

Is it a chick flick? A bunch of woman talking? Well, but there's no real conversation. Just snippets of talk as the film moves quickly from one party goer to the next. And many of the female party goers are bimbos, not the smart chick flick types.

For a brief moment, the film seemed to be a Christian feel good movie. Two party goers say they know the homeless guy. That he goes to their church. They explain that this guy is a brilliant community developer who became homeless after losing his wife and child to a drunk driver. But that he's learned a lot on the streets, and now has an amazing plan for an "environmentally sustainable homeless community."

Wow, this homeless guy sounds so perfect! No wonder the romcom girl is interested in him.

The film also takes a stab at magical children's fantasy. There's a gypsy fortune teller that keeps appearing and disappearing, without explanation.

There's also a lot of sexually explicit humor and semi-nudity, so it's not really a Christian feel good movie or magical children's fantasy.

It's just a mess. No evidence of a script (though five people are credited with contributing to an alleged script). Just snippets of haphazard conversation from a large, random group of party goers.




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